A Charles Dickens Christmas Party

Lets take a break for a moment from our respite to recount the events of last night...


A Charles Dickens Christmas Party in honor of (my man) Master William C. McCrery's birthday.

The Feast:

The Toast:

God bless us EVERY ONE!


Jeff and Ari said...

We had such a wonderful time! It was beautifully done and fun was had by all!! Thanks for thinking about us!

Tamsin said...

it really was fun! And infinitely well-planned and executed. That Stepper... she sure throws a mighty party!

Tamsin said...

(Also: heavens, I really am pregnant, aren't I?)

kristie jensen said...

Yeah!!! So much fun. Thank you for allowing us to help celebrate one year older for Bill. We love you guys!!

b. said...


Nae said...

WOW! What awesome decorations! I think the plates and the cups on the table made my jaw hit my lap. So cool. And I love the costumes!