all week in a day

Alright, I've been negligent this week. I have a pretty good excuse - but even a good excuse is really no excuse to miss posting such a big week for the McCrery Clan. I beg your forgiveness, and promise that all will be revealed...

Saturday, we went to a Family Easter Egg Hunt hosted by my man's University, where the Fish shared his cookie with daddy...

...we colored creepy looking bunnies with markers (such a treat! the MonkeyFish doesn't get to use markers at our house!)...

...and Bill helped Wyatt enter a potato sac (bunny hopping?) race. The photo evidence below shows them getting ready, getting lined up, and then consorting with the enemy...

...who STILL left them in the dust - causing Bill to resort to drastic measures on the way back to the finish line.
Finally, we hunted those eggs! With 300 of our closest 0-3 year old friends and their frantic parents. What is it about free loot that makes adults turn into a flock of seagulls? Mine, mine, mineminemine! I have to admit, the momma bear in me threatened to show her ugly face when Wyatt was reaching for his purple egg and it was snatched out from under him, and immediately following the same happened with his blue egg. I swallowed the bear growl in my throat, though, and Wyatt found six eggs anyway and had a GREAT time.

And yes, Bill was proud of me for not decking the three year olds.

The bunny was going to hide all the eggs outside, but there was a very sincere rainstorm the morning of the hunt, so the bunny brought a little outdoors in - Wyatt pretty much didn't leave this tree. He "refound" his eggs a few times, there. Good tree!

SUNDAY we woke up early, got ready for church, and unleashed the MonkeyFish in the family room, where he found SIX MORE EGGS! These were filled with animal cookies - which he ate all before breakfast.

Please note his smashing TIE (yes, we won! Thanks again, Buttered Toast and the ladies over at Some of This and Some of That!)

I sincerely love this tie. It is absolutely perfect, and VERY well made.

After church, we took our army of bunnies (what's Easter Dinner without place setting goodies?)

And went to THEIR house.

My mom and dad throw the best parties - and Easter 2009 was no exception.

After a GORGEOUS dinner featuring mom's ham, jamie's annie potatoes, ali's amazing fruit salad, and my sad and pathetic (what went wrong?) rolls, we went OUTSIDE into the GLORIOUS WEATHER (remember? It was raining the day before!) and hunted up some more eggs!

Wyatt was a pro by now, veering off the beaten path in to the shrouded wood to find those pastel parcels.

Actually, I think he was running away from his dad. Who had the camera.

MONDAY through FRIDAY was spent preparing for our weekend events: Hosting a Baby Shower at home for me and a Scout Camping Trip for Bill.

Friday evening, we strapped Bill down with his camping gear and waved goodbye as he and the rest of the scruffies headed HERE:

Here they are (see Bill? He's the cute one):

They all came back smelly and sunburned and grinning - that's how you know it was a good time.

I will post all about the baby shower (don't worry, Megan, I didn't forget!) - but I forced my co-hostess to take all the pictures, which she will email me. Suffice to say there was a LOT of food, and a LOT of tiny clothes in pretty packages, and a LOT of leftover waffles.

More revelations tomorrow - for the MonkeyFish is stirring from his slumber.
