'Cause Here I Go Agaaaaaain!

I was sitting in the Atlanta, GA airport with my parents during our three hour layover this past Monday, playing with my new toy (My man and I finally joined the technological age and traded our ancient push-button phones for iPhones) when my dad leaned over and said to me:

"So when are you going to do another 100 days on your blog?"

Well, the truth is, I've been toying with the idea of doing another challenge like that. But my dad's query made me feel both guilty for my negligence and flattered that he missed reading, here. Plus, my dad is my most faithful reader - so, for you, Dad! I bring you:

The 31 Posts of December


Lizzie said...


Tamsin North said...

Oh Happy Day! I was just wishing for a blog post from you, and now I get 31 :)

Nae said...

Ha ha! My first thought was "YAAAAAY!" And then the comments page came up and I saw Lizzie's comment. :)

Ro Ro Riot said...

Well, I just couldn't be more excited about this.

craftyashley said...

Woo Hoo!