
Hattie slept in fitful spurts last night. We moved her from our bed to her bed and back and forth and back again. We stroked her fevered forehead and tried to soothe her raspy throat with cool juice and crossed our fingers that the grape flavored sticky stuff in the tiny syringe would make good on its promises.

It should not be allowed that babies can get colds. It's just too sad! Not to mention the misery it means for the rest of the clan.

Daphne crept in during the wee hours of the morning - worried for her sister and not used to having a room to herself. She asked if she could slide into the already crowded pile, and we all shifted over.

I've gotten really used to balancing on my side on the very edge of the bed.

So today, I woke bleary and achy and foggy. And I don't mind telling you, a tired mama Stepper has more in common with a landmine than not. I wished I could stay in bed.

I wished it would rain.

And all day, I wished I could find something noteworthy to write about for day two of my 100 day project. But it is simply this.

Sick babies + Sick mom = LONG Wednesday.

(head nod)

Carry on!